Welcome to Machiasport, Maine!
Welcome to the Town of Machiasport’s official website. This site gives an opportunity to become acquainted with Machiasport local government and to be informed of upcoming meetings and events. As this site evolves over time our hope is that it will become a primary source of information about our Town. We will continue to add new information as it becomes available that will allow town members to stay informed about town occurrences. Citizens will also be able to download information. We hope this initial offering will encourage residents’ curiosity to explore what Machiasport offers.
March 26, 2024
DRAFT Solar Ordinance
Aquaculture Vote for June 24, 2024 Moratorium regarding the Industrial Aquaculture Development
DRAFT Aquaculture Ordinance
2-10-2024 A public supper will be held to benefit Liberty Hall. Doors open at 3PM so guests may view raffle / auction items. Supper will be served from 4-7 PM with drawings at close. Music will be provided by James Sherman and Stephen Sanfilippo and their notorious songs of the sea. Fort O’Brien students will host an art show as well. Check out the Town Facebook page for auction items. New items added regularly! Let’s get Liberty’s doors open once again!

Our Veteran’s Memorial may be seen at the town complex

8 Unity Square
P.O. Box 267
Machiasport, ME 04655
Phone: 207-255-4516
Fax: 255-6841
Email: msptclerk@machiasport.org
Town Office Hours
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.