Many cemeteries have been identified in Machiasport, and provide insight into the history of the town.
A number of major cemeteries (mostly on private property) are known to the town and appear on USGS maps.
In addition, there are numerous additional small cemeteries and burial sites located throughout the five Districts of Machiasport. Some have been neglected and some are in need of tender loving care. A group of residents are currently working with the Historical Society, property owners, students at Fort O’Brien and other interested citizens to create a comprehensive inventory of the Town cemeteries. In 2013 students at Fort O’Brien will be learning to use the GPS technology and as a school project they will be mapping as many cemeteries as possible. It is hoped that a Cemetery Plan can be developed to insure that each cemeteries is identified and adequately maintained. If you have information on a cemetery not mentioned below, please share that information with the town office, or Historical Society in an effort to update the list of cemeteries and to provide a complete inventory.
- Almendinger Cemetery
- Bay View Cemetery
- Church Hill Cemetery
- East Side Cemetery
- Gerald Wood Cemetery
- Hillside Cemetery
- Miller Mountain
- Quimby Private Family Cemetery
- Palmer Cemetery
- Pettegrow Point Cemetery
- *Prescott/Sanborn Cemetery
- Smith’s Cemetery
- “Sprague Town” Cemetery
- Stuart Hill Cemetery
- Headstone at Smith’s Cemetary
- Headstone at Smith’s Cemetary
- Cemetery in Larrabee
- Machiasport Cemetery
- Prescott/Sanborn Cemetery