Town Ordinances are the local laws and regulations of a municipality. Local ordinances may be enacted by the municipal legislative body (the town meeting or council), or in some cases adopted by the municipal officers, according to certain prescribed procedures. The Town clerk plays a key role throughout this process by accepting and recording proposed ordinances and ordinance amendments. The clerk is also required to make those documents available to the public for inspection, and may be asked to ensure the proper posting of proposed ordinances, amendments, or comprehensive plans before the meeting of the legislative body. In some cases, the clerk may also participate in providing special notice to individuals particularly affected by a proposed ordinance or ordinance amendment.
The general process for enactment of ordinances is outlined in Statute. State law also provides particular procedures for zoning ordinances and comprehensive plan adoption.
1. Posting. The proposed ordinance must be attested and posted in the manner provided for town meetings (i.e., at least 7 days before the day of the meeting).
CITIZEN NOTE: Copies of All Town Ordinances are available at the Town Office
Town Ordinances
- Addressing Ordinance
- Board of Appeals Ordinance
- Bucks Harbor Public Pier Rules and Regulation Ordinance – June 26, 2006
- Building Permit Ordinance Amended – June 27, 2016
- Communication Facility Ordinance – July 15, 2016
- Dog Control Ordinance 6/25/2012
- Excise Tax Exemption Ordinance 06/25/2012
- Floodplain Management Ordinance – July 18, 2017
- General Assistance Ordinance – October 2019
- Harbor Management Ordinance
- Junkyard Ordinance
- Machiasport Maritime Ordinance 05/27/2008
- Mobile Home and Trailer Park Ordinance
- Ord. Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Establishments – August 21, 2017
- PACE Ordinance 06/25/2012
- Planning Board Ordinance
- Shellfish Conservation Ordinance 02 23 15
- Shellfish Conservation Ordinance – June 27, 2016
- Shoreland Zoning Ordinance – April 28, 1992
- Shoreland Zoning Map 1992 – Please contact the Town Office for a copy of the Ordinance
- Proposed Shoreland Zoning Ordinance June 2018 Final Draft
- Why Approve a New Shoreland Zoning Ordinance May 2018
- Machiasport Planning & SLZ Online / Interactive Map 2018
- Machiasport Planning & SLZ Static Map 2018
- Subdivision Regulations
- Volunteer-Fire Department Regulations
- Wind Energy Ordinance – July 15, 2016